Month: June 2010

New Work for Etsy

Do big sets sell on Etsy? I’m still debating on whether to separate or keep this set together-any opinions? Off to try and get some torching in…*Just added to the Etsy shop!* Going to see how the beads all together do..

Back Home

Back from Oak Island and my lovely sister in law took some quick snap shots of me in the studio making some hollow focals. She only had a few minutes since they were about to leave for the airport, but Linda got some great shots. It was sliiightly hot in there, too. I have a bunch on my Flickr page if you want to see more. Apologies for taking so long to post pics of the finished space- as you can see, it gets a lot of use.

And my favorite pic from our family vacay:

That’s my son’s lovey, Althea- she is never far from his reach and the poor thing had an up close and personal time w/ sand and ocean. Good thing she’s washable.

And Again..two more sets for Etsy

These look nice together- totally by accident that I put that strand of encased crackled beads together and after setting them next to the hollows noticed how nice they look together..hmm, I can see a new set in the future w/ a mix of matte and encased beads.

These will be going up shortly on Etsy 🙂

Work, work, work

Trying to get the time to get all these listed is causing me a headache. About to head out of town for an appt. that will take most of the afternoon. Maybe tomorrow?
Argh, and all of these still need to be etched and photographed..maybe the in-laws won’t notice me slipping off while they admire the little man this next week?

And a closeup of a favorite bead.. still trying to figure out which color of coral it was.