Month: February 2010


We worked on setting up the studio in the backyard shed a lot more this weekend and was all set to go and then when I turned on the oxy con…what’s that saying- ‘the lights are on, but no one’s home’? Um, yeah..that about sums it up, lol. It turned on but the little ball that floats to show pressure didn’t move at all so that could mean a leak, a bad valve or new sieve beds are in order. Of course, the fact that we moved cross country and it was in a box for more than a month may have contributed to the problem, too >:/

Hobbies for Us is currently running a deal on a Devilbiss 515 for $250 w/ free shipping, so that’s what I decided to go with since my dead one ran well.
This whole process of setting up seemed like a comedy of errors. Before we realized the oxygen concentrator bit the dust, we were worried my ventilation fan was toast due to a bad rubbing sound of the metallic kind. Turns out we were setting it on the wrong side and as soon as we screwed it in correctly, no more noise. Whew. Ventilation, check.
Now all that’s needed is my new oxy con to arrive and move my glass in and organize. This is w/ an extension cord run from the house since I’ve had to give up on my recommended electrical guy that is supposed to be good but is dealing w/ family now I follow a new lead tomorrow and see if I can get a hold of someone for an estimate.
Apologies to customers who are waiting to see new beads, best laid plans and all that jazz. Maybe in a couple days I’ll have my feathers unruffled and will stop cringing from another unexpected expense.

Now Open for Business!

My Etsy shop is now re-opened for business. Many thanks for the loyal customers that gave me nudges to hurry up and list work, lol.
Hubby and I are working on getting a temporary studio set-up for me until we get electricity added to the future studio space. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be getting back on the torch for the first time in over a month- no wonder I’ve been so space-y, I’ve been going thru withdrawals 🙂
Planning to post some pics of new work going up on Etsy tomorrow.

More Beads…

These beads were finally found amongst a box gone rogue in the depths of the garage. I was beginning to get frantic thinking these and my metal clay supplies had been lost. We’re still settling in and rearranging things to suit us and we’ve yet to uncover the surface of my work desk so I can spread out and just … make.
Now I just have to await word from a customer to see which ones will be left to list on Etsy.
Ugh, Etsy- having a hard time getting the enthusiasm to reopen since I still don’t have my studio space set up. It will probably be a while since I need to find a reliable electrician to wire the space.

It is nice to see some fresh pics of my work, makes me itch to make more. And all that new silver glass is calling my name, taunting me.

We had a busy weekend besides it being Valentine’s Day, we celebrated hubby’s b-day and took care of the taxes- yahoo!
Happy creating 🙂

A New Beginning

We made it cross country and we’re now settled in Fayetteville, NC. We found a nice house outside the city away from the crazy traffic and Z has a huge backyard that’s completely fenced in to run around and burn off his energy.
Here is the shed that I hope to make my studio- soon! It’s in our backyard and needs electricity added. It’s approx. 11’x11′ inside and about 75′ from the house and around 130′ to the meter box on the side of the house. I’m waiting on the guy that was recommended to me to come out and take a look before giving an estimate. It’s driving me crazy not having space to create, hopefully this will go smoothly and will soon be cranking out more beads, etc. 🙂
P.S. If anyone has advice, things to avoid, etc. I’d love to hear!
Oh, and I hope to get my Etsy shop opened soon, just gotta figure out which box my beads are in, lol.