Month: February 2014

Publication, Teaching, and White Copprclay

IMG_5742 IMG_5743I’ve been remiss in not sharing my recent good news- I was in The Flow’s 9th Annual Women in Glass issue! Seriously awesome since not only was I fortunate to be included with other very talented ladies in the gallery, there is also a tutorial for my Mermaid Scroll Hollows.
Time got away from me this holiday season and New Year with family visiting, sick child, sick me, etc.

aug 8 reverb hollow 3 best

Another wonderful piece of news is that the ISGB Gathering booklets came out in digital format for members yesterday and I’ll be teaching two classes and presenting in Houston, TX July 16-20 2014. So much to get ready for!

Also. In about a month’s time I should be in Santa Cruz, teaching at Kiss My Glass on April 5 & 6th.

Then June 7 & 8th, I’ll be teaching at The Mandrel in Harbor City, CA. Other than these three venues, I currently have no other plans to teach in 2014. I’m planning to sell at the Bead Bazaar in Houston and again in Nov. at BABE!

feb 14 z99 hanging feb 14 z99 loose feb 14 z99 tied hand feb 14 z99 tied feb 14 z99 tied1

Here are the aforementioned Z-99 Hollows with White Copprclay bead caps. I love having more options for capping and coring my hollows. The next to last photo shows the large center bead with PMC Pro and a patina’d bead cap for comparison in silver tones. (You can click on the pic to enlarge!)

feb 14 new white copprclay lineup comparison3 feb 14 new white copprclay lineup comparison2 feb 14 new white copprclay lineup comparison

Here is a quick comparison: top/left is bronzclay that’s been tumbled and LOS’d, White Copprclay, tumbled White Copprclay, and PMC Pro. You can see how gray or pewter-y it looks next to PMC Pro- but it also reminds me of silver with a patina- guess it depends on how you look at it.

Very excited to get my hands on some more of this.

Can’t leave well enough alone. Lots o’ bead caps for hollows.

The bead caps and chain in the foreground are from Bills Struve’s new White Copprclay that is due to be released next month.
Meant to mimic silver, it reminds me of pewter and will go nicely with many of my beads!

feb 13 blue and mustard trio white copprclay1 feb 13 blue and mustard trio white copprclay feb 13 blue and mustard trio white copprclay handHad no problems firing- he recommends two stage firing if you’re working with thicker/3D pieces. I did an open air firing with the chains and pendants then covered them with carbon to finish sintering. Doesn’t matter which carbon you use- which is nice for me since I’m currently befuddled with which carbon is coconut and which is acid-washed.
For the rest of the bead caps, I did a slightly slower ramp and fired for two hours all in one stage. Still worked, was able to dap them with no problems.
Looking forward to getting more once it’s out!

Will post more capped and cored beads once I get photos- they look great against my Z99 hollows.