Month: March 2014

Bloglovin and a Sewing Project

You can follow me on Bloglovin, if you’re so inclined. I’m loving having a list of the blogs I follow in one email I can quickly scroll through each morning!

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I’m also happy to finally have some photos of my Frankenpattern dress that was a mash-up between Simplicity 1652 and Simplicity 1882.

I forgot to staystitch the back neckline and my yarn-dyed linen stretched out a little in the back. Still super comfy and eminently wearable. Princess seams are my new best friend and another dress is already being planned..perhaps one with sleeves.

mar 11 frankenpattern dress collage sleeveless mar 11 frankenpattern dress mustard sweater collage mar 11 frankenpattern dress mustard sweater