Month: May 2010

Flea Market Find

There was a threat of thunderstorms Sat. when my cousins and I went to the flea market in Raleigh. I was told there were often more furniture vendors outside, when the weather doesn’t look so dicey. Something else was going on besides the flea market and parking was a nightmare but I still managed to spot this sweet thing and was pulled in by its tractor beam. At 18″ deep it will be perfect for hanging our winter coats later this year since the two shelves on the inside are removable. The lock is frozen due to disuse and I’ll need to figure out the best way to clean out all the grime so I can actually use the lock, if I want. My cousin and her family usually make it up to the flea market at least once a month and have found some gorgeous things. Still on the lookout for a ‘new’ table and that doesn’t creak every time we move while eating. I’m sure I’ll have fun on the hunt w/ my family.
The studio is finished and I’m embarrassed to say it is already a mess since I started using it as soon as everything was in place, lol. If I get it cleaned up a little I’ll post a pic sometime. It’s funny, my contractor was saying how I should have more than enough space for everything- but as I’ve been working, I’ve noticed I could probably use another 6′ of table space! My photo tent doesn’t have a place yet, and I need to figure out where to permanently place my vise and bench clamps. Organizational skills is not my forte.