Month: August 2013

New lighting solution for photos

 Back in the saddle with photographing beads-got my new light boxes from Doug Baldwin yesterday evening and they work great!

 The shot is a little dark looking since it’s in my garage, one nice thing is you can easily fold these up and store them in their respective pouches..but I’ll probably leave mine out since I’m always needing photos of my work, it seems. Had to clear off my desk top- these are large pieces as you can see with my lone bead sitting on my photo backdrop.

 Here are a couple better shots of my necklace that I wore to the Gathering- pardon my unraveling silk- didn’t have time to sew/secure it down before traveling.
 I was willing to splurge a little on these lights since avoidance of taking pics for Etsy was becoming something of an unwilling sport! If this makes photographing a little easier, you can bet I’ll be all over it.