etsy update

Movin’, Movin’ and Etsy Re-opening

We’ve moved cross-country from TX to GA, Z started 3rd grade, and my very neglected (forgotten?) Etsy shop has finally been re-opened. sep 3 header for facebookStaying so long in San Antonio made me realize I’d starting putting down roots unintentionally. It hit me like a ton of bricks, usually when a PCS is coming up I’m allll about the new place and experiencing new things, etc. Hubby was a little concerned with how hard it was for me to get over the fact we were in small town Georgia vs. the bustling city of San Antonio. Spoiled by the convenience of having pretty much any store *somewhere* in town within a 45 min. drive or less. sep 3 kajari trio loose handComparison really is the thief of joy, so I’m getting over it. Slowly. sep 3 kajari hollow2Either it’s because I’m getting a little older, we’re getting closer to hubby’s 20 year mark, or the fact that packing around 2 kids for big moves has made it something to dread rather than look forward to. sep 3 kajari triolooseLight was found at the end of tunnel, thankfully, once my studio was set up and I could fire up my torch again. Ahhh, relief. And now my sewing space is nearly ready and I’m trying to narrow down which project to sew first. Fret not, brain, we shall find our equilibrium! IMG_3784I’ll slowly but surely be adding listings to my Etsy shop- why you take so long Etsy listings?!  This is the necklace worn to this year’s ISGB Gathering in New Orleans, the annual conference we Lampworkers migrate to every year to catch up, network and learn. It was so great to see friends and make new ones.

Update for Etsy

 Sometimes I enjoy making a certain style or experimenting so often, that I forget customers like to see different styles in the shop. So I revisited my Cirque series and made a capped and cored hollow in more muted colors. Very autumnal, I suppose- and at a reduced rate! (didn’t see the slight imperfection on one of the top bead caps, grrr)

Did I mention I’ll be at BABE! this year? So stoked! Reeeally missed going last year and seeing all the lovely people. If you’ll be going, stop by and say howdy. The table assignments will be coming out soon, I’m sure, and I’ll let you know where I’ll be 🙂

Etsy Update

 I’ve been away from the torch for a few days due to a dying oxy con- looking forward to receiving my new one by the end of the week- woot!
In the meantime, I’ve been trying to get photos taken when the garage doesn’t feel like an oven on broil.. a little hard since we’re in San Antonio and it’s Sept. So here you go, a few new pieces for the Etsy shop.

Oops, how did I forget about these guys?!