Month: August 2010

Family and Cake

Hadn’t realized it’d been that long since blogging. Hubby’s deployed now and Z and I have been adjusting- mostly me, to tell the truth. Everything seems to take twice as long.. take our upcoming trip to see family.

We were supposed to leave today but was so wiped out from mowing our lawn yesterday in the scorching heat, I didn’t feel like shopping for food, loading the truck w/ our stuff AND the antique table and chairs, I didn’t- and now we leave early tomorrow morning.

Thank goodness for GPS and portable DVD players. How in the world did we get around before? It seems so long ago that we would actually use an atlas and an area map to figure out where to go.
Z will have a belated 2nd B-day celebration with all of the cousins and get to eat cake to his heart’s content.
I haven’t forgotten about those who’ve emailed about beads- after returning I plan to work in more time at the torch, I’m so looking forward to it.