Month: November 2009

Etsy for Nov. 30th

Three of the four beads have been put up on Etsy and the fourth will be listed shortly. Still trying to get back into the swing of things after the long weekend. I’ve started organizing and packing up some of my art supplies in the spare bedroom since hubby has been trying to motivate me to get organized before our move ‘cross country after the New Year. I’m not a naturally organized person, but thankfully for me, the husband can help ; ) .

Etsy Update for Nov. 27th

Thanksgiving was fabulous (and tiring) since I prepared 8 dishes/desserts for our get together w/ friends- including the turkey..which I cooked according to directions and found out that it wasn’t cooked all the way thru :*( how embarrassing! The hostess was nice enough to stick it back in the oven for more cooking and luckily there was also ham.
Even got to see a friend I went to school w/ from home stationed here in the same place as us- what are the chances?! Especially considering the little bitty town I come from, lol.

I managed to get some photos of beads and listed some today on Etsy:

First Off Mandrel Torching Session

After a slightly rocky start, the 1/8″ tungsten pick was so fun to play with. The first one I made didn’t work out so well, lol, since the glass and the pick were both molten. It was so crazy to see the glowing red pick slid thru the glass to make a hole- I just couldn’t wrap my head around how in the world it would work. So many interesting ways to use this, just need to get the time..


Still gotta get these not feeling the picture taking right now- ugh. Maybe I’ll play w/ my new tungsten pick while Z is down for his nap..also have lots o’ big hole beads to list, too.
Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week?! Need to get a turkey.

BABE! 2009 Booth Photos

BABE! was fabulous and I sold most of my inventory- yiiippeee! Everyone was wonderful and I got to meet so many creative and friendly people- customers and other vendors. My table mate, Mary Tarara, had a gorgeous set up which I didn’t get pics of, to my shame. Hayley and Helen, Sadie, Toni L., and so many others were there w/ their beautiful work. A group of us ate out after Saturday’s show at Tamarindo a few blocks away and it was mind-blowingly delish! I hearted the Mulitas..yum-0!

I’m exhausted today since I had to drive 2 hours last night after the show to get home. I hope to get some work listed on Etsy in the next day or two once I get back into the swing of things.

Thanks so much to all the wonderful customers who bought my work, I’m thinking of doing this show again next year thanks to you ;)….of course, I’ll have to bring a lot more beads, lol!

Countdown for BABE!

It’s now less than 48 hrs until the start of BABE! 2009 and I’m trying to get a little done at a time so I don’t feel so rushed before leaving tomorrow afternoon. I did another banner type thing in Photoshop yesterday- although this isn’t going to be printed out, it’s going to be on my digital picture frame along w/ others I really like. Now to try and get on more torching session in before tomorrow..

CiM Mermaid, Mink and Tamarind Odd

Here is my promised pics of CiM’s new color, Mermaid. It’s so beautiful and saturated. You can see how bright it is compared to my usual palette- I discovered it doesn’t really react to silver in any way. I fumed it and laid wire and nothin’..but it does react to ivory w/ a dark line btwn the two colors. Just like Copper Green and Ivory.
Other CiM colors Mink and Tamarind Odd are below. The hollow w/ circles and dots is Tamarind Odd and Mink is the one w/ viney stringer work. Lots of possibilities w/ both, Dk. Ivory loves to spread out on Tamarind Odd as you can see on my hollow. The hollows were fumed also to see how they’d react and the Tamarind got noticeably darker. I’ll have to order more Mermaid for sure.


Periodically, Moo will send me emails w/ updates on their products, etc. and this morning I noticed one about a free website thru Moonfruit. I heart Moo and order my business cards and mini moo cards from them. I set up a free website, so now I can actually put up a url for a website rather than using my blog, lol. There is also an option to add a shopping cart so you can sell directly thru them w/ PayPal.

I’m not sure how this site compares to others, but I’ve always been intimidated w/ code since I’m not that computer literate and you can drag and drop which saves lots of time. Feel free to drop a comment and share your experience w/ Moonfruit or other similar sites.
Here is my new website– let me know what you think 🙂

One thing I’m not crazy with right off the bat is the whole having to add moonfruit in the url instead of just my name. They do have an option to buy a domain name and I *think* you can change it to that w/o using moonfruit in the url.

P.S. Have you tried CiM’s new color, Mermaid? Holy guac, it’s soooo beautiful! I’ll try and get pics for tomorrow.